Whether your concrete surface is riddled with moss, or a few shy weeds are poking through, you may be wondering how to stop this unwanted growth. 

In this article, we take you through some preventative methods of keeping moss and weeds at bay – along with some weed-killing options of both the chemical and natural varieties. 

Why are weeds and moss bad for concrete? 

Not only is weed and moss growth unsightly, but it can also cause structural damage to your concrete surfaces if left to thrive. Slabs may break or become loose and uneven, resulting in an unsafe surface that will need replacing. It’s therefore wise to deal with weed and moss growth before it gets too out of hand – or better still, prevent it all together. 

why is concrete a good construction material?

How to prevent moss and weeds from growing through concrete? 

So, let’s take a look at how you can tackle weed and moss growth at every stage, and reduce the chance and frequency of it happening again. 

Make sure the concrete is laid properly

Cracks can happen for multiple reasons, but make sure you’re not increasing the likelihood of this occurrence by paying careful attention to how you mix and lay concrete. For example, avoid laying concrete in extremely hot weather or around tree roots, as both of these actions can increase the likelihood of cracks forming.

Repeated heavy loads on concrete can also be a culprit. However, all in all, concrete is an extremely strong, durable material that can withstand lots of wear and tear. Therefore, it’s often a task of simple and regular maintenance to keep cracks, weeds and moss in check. 

Apply a weed killer

Perhaps you don’t mind using chemicals to get the job done? Or perhaps you prefer to explore more gentle natural options? Fortunately, there are choices available for everyone. There are many chemical weed killers on the market, which you can research and select at your leisure.

Alternatively, if you are concerned about introducing harsh chemicals into your garden environment, try some home remedies such as pouring boiling water onto the weeds. Vinegar is also another popular choice, though make sure you choose one with 20% acetic acid from a garden centre – the type you sprinkle on chips may not cut it. Apply the vinegar several times for most effective results, and take care not to spray on other plants.

There are many other home remedies floating about online, including baking soda and salt, so experiment to see what works best. Once the weed or moss killer has done its work, dig out the dying weeds before moving onto the next stage. 

Seal up cracks

As we explored in our previous article, there are many natural reasons why even the hardiest and best-laid concrete may crack from time to time. The next stage of weed and moss prevention is to seal up these cracks.

First, eradicate any weed growth using the recommended methods above – apply your chosen weed-killing chemical and then dig out the dying foliage from the crack, along with any other debris. You may wish to use a wire brush for this stage. Next, put sand followed by sealant in the crack, allowing it to spill out a little – don’t worry, it will shrink. This will then need to dry as per the manufacturer’s instructions – make sure to read and follow them carefully. 

Replace broken concrete slabs

If any of your slabs are beyond rescue, it might be worth replacing them entirely and starting afresh with a more attentive care routine. Make sure you purchase concrete from a reliable provider of top-quality mixes, such as Easy Mix Concrete. 

Searching for a reliable concrete supplier in London, Surrey and beyond? Here at EasyMix Concrete, we put customers at the forefront of everything we do, making it easy for you to get exactly the right mix and volume for your project. To find out more, simply get in touch with our friendly team today.